Sunday, March 4, 2007

Amazing Grace

My husband and I went to the movie "Amazing Grace" this afternoon. It was a really good movie - we both liked it. It was based on the history of the slave trade and the efforts to abolish slave trading in England during the late 1700's, early 1800's. The main character William Wilberforce, an abolitionist, was interesting - the way he totally gave himself to this cause. Albert Finney played John Newton, the preacher and former slave trader, who wrote the song Amazing Grace. I didn't know much of this history, but found it fascinating. I think if history could be taught in the form of really good films, more students would enjoy it! I would recommend the film to everyone. Most of the actors in this film are not well known, which makes it even more interesting. A good film without big name actors (except Finney, of course!). It was a good afternoon activity for us.

I preached and presided at worship at the small Lutheran church we attend this morning, and I really didn't feel good about how it went. Many people commented positively and appreciated it, but I didn't feel I did as well as I could and that is always difficult. I struggled with writing a sermon for the Luke 13 text from the beginning, and I just didn't feel like I was capturing what I wanted to. Oh well, sometimes it just doesn't work out as well as I'd like - I just don't like to be preaching in someone else's pulpit when it happens! I led the "Tree of Life" service by Marty Haugen, and I've not presided at that service before. It was kind of a challenge. I will say though, I think it's a lovely service. The music is quite singable - Marty Haugen always does good music!!

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